How to Install Wallpaper

Wallpaper is an excellent way to bring color and texture into a room. Wallpaper is typically available in three types: peel and stick, unpasted (which needs a different wallpaper glue), or pre-pasted. Pre-pasted wallpaper simply needs water to be applied and is easy to re-position, making it an exceptionally simple install. If you follow these steps, you should have a nicely wallpapered room in no time. If you follow the below steps, you should have a nicely wallpapered room in no time.
1. Prepare your walls
Check that all of your walls are clean, dry, and free of dirt and cobwebs. If there are any ‘problem areas,’ such as wet areas, be careful to fix them before hanging the wallpaper. For the wallpaper to stick well, wait approximately a month after your walls have been newly painted or primed before installing wallpaper. Using pliers, remove any nails, hooks, or screws. Fill up any big holes with filler and smoothen the wall before applying the wallpaper to avoid a hump beneath the strip. Because water is involved, remove all electrical outlets and cut off electricity at the breaker.
2. Prepare the wallpaper
You should cut the pieces of wallpaper to the height of the wall plus five inches and leave several inches at the top and bottom for aligning and trimming the paper. Fill a dry paint pan halfway with water. Apply water generously to the reverse side of the wallpaper using a paint roller. Fold each end toward the center and set aside for 3-5 minutes, depending on the manufacturer’s recommendations. This process, known as booking, enables the glue to activate and seep into the wallpaper fibers.
3. Install the wallpaper
To begin, unfold the top half of your wallpaper. It would be best if you folded the bottom half. Gently lay the top of the paper onto the wall with an inch overlap at the ceiling and inch overlap at the corner. Align the other side of the wallpaper with the level-drawn plumb line. Simply take the paper off and re-position it if necessary. If your wallpaper is slipping, use painter’s tape to keep it in place. Smooth away bubbles using a plastic smoother. Work your way down from the ceiling and from the center to the edges. When you reach the halfway point, unfold the bottom and attach it to the wall.
4. Trim around outlets and corners.
Allow the wallpaper to dry on the wall for 20 minutes after it has been appropriately laid and smoothed, and then use the sharp blade to trim along the top and the corner. Place the smoother or putty knife against the pattern, slightly inclined, with the edge pushed into a corner. You can use it to guide the putty knife during cutting to provide a flawlessly straight edge.
5. Finish
Scrape away any excess adhesive from the wallpaper using a moist sponge. Then, take a step back and admire your trendy new walls.
Wallpapering your house is a simple procedure. To get a decent outcome, follow the methods outlined above. Remember to select the perfect design and color to complement your furnishings.