
When is it Time to Upgrade Your Home’s Siding?

Home siding is a type of exterior cladding material used on a house’s exterior side to add beauty, protection, and value. It’s often used on homes over 50, but it can be installed on homes as young as three. Home siding materials come in many different styles and colors. The type of siding you choose depends on your home’s architectural style, the look you want for your home, and how much you’re willing to spend.

Home siding comes in two basic types: pressure-treated lumber and painted wood. Both types are available in solid color options like white or natural wood or with contrasting trim pieces like brick or stone accents.

Below are signs that you need to upgrade your home’s siding;

  1. Visible damage

By looking at it, you can tell when your siding is starting to show wear and tear. If you see any cracks or holes in your siding, this is a sign that it needs to be replaced. In addition, if the siding has been painted over with paint that has chipped or peeling paint, this is also a sign that it needs to be replaced. Not only will this make your home look bad, but it will also affect its durability and longevity.

  1. Excessive maintenance

A common sign of homeownership is that people spend more time maintaining their property than they do on actually living in it. If you notice that your home requires more maintenance than you want, then this may be a sign that you should consider replacing the siding on your home instead of continuing with the same routine of maintenance needed each year. Homes with shoddy workmanship will often require more frequent repairs than those built with high-quality materials and workmanship. To sell or get better homes, liaise with Orlando, FL, Realtors.

  1. Sagging

If your home’s siding is sagging, then it needs replacing before further damage occurs. You can check for sagging by looking at the corners of your home and seeing if there’s any visible sag or droop in the wood covering other than the seams themselves. If so, you must replace your siding before it worsens.

  1. Cracks in your siding

Cracks in your siding indicate that moisture is seeping through the surface of your home’s exterior. External factors like wind or hail cause cracks, but they usually occur near windows and doors where water enters into cracks due to poor construction or design. The best way to keep moisture from entering through cracks is by installing flashing around windows and doors where possible and caulking around them when necessary.

  1. Ulterior damage from cracking

If you notice cracks forming along the edges of your home’s siding after a storm has passed, or if you notice large chunks of wood coming away from the corners of your home, it’s likely time for some serious work on your siding.

Key Takeaway

If you observe any of these signs, it’s recommended to consult with a professional contractor or siding specialist. They can assess the condition of your siding and guide whether it’s time for an upgrade and which type of siding would be best suited for your home.

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